
The progress reports

Each week (hopefully) we update this page with new photos of instruments in progress. The updates are usually made on Monday.

We hope that you enjoy seeing the progress on your instrument and those of others who have them on order.


Week ending August 19, 2002


Pimpard: The handle blank shown last week turned out to have a hidden flaw (a split on one side), so we had to make another one. Here are the new one on the lathe, and the old one in front.

Pimpard: making strap buttons to match the original one that remains.



Pimpard: Making a reproduction tuning pin for the sympathetic strings.


Pimpard: Dina picks up her gurdy. ;-)

The shop and studio remodelling continue:


Fresh finish on the studio door, thanks to J & J.


The studio walls are taped, mudded, sanded, and primed. It's hard to get a sense of the room from this photo - it's very cool.


Ready for the second sanding in part of the south end of the shop. Thanks for the mudding, Dina.


Insulating along the west wall.

See last week for more pictures.

Beati illi qui in circulum circumeunt, fient enim magnae rotae.

Please contact us if you have comments or questions about this page or other pages on this site.

Alden and Cali Hackmann
Olympic Musical Instruments

Beati illi qui in circulum circumeunt, fient enim magnae rotae.

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Please ask for permission to use material from this site. Thank you.