
The progress reports

Each week (hopefully) we update this page with new photos of instruments in progress. The updates are usually made on Monday.

We hope that you enjoy seeing the progress on your instrument and those of others who have them on order.


Week ending January 20, 2003



VG36: using Justin's angle grinder to shape the keybox top, followed by the random-orbit sander to smooth it. Justin has converted me to the angle grinder as a Really Cool Tool.

VG36: the shaped keybox top blank, with some offcuts which will be used for inlay tests



VG37: gluing the keybox together

.VG37: the keybox position has been established, the wheel angle set, and these parameters allow the placement of the bridges and tailpiece for masking

The wheel covers for VG37 and VG38, ready for shaping and fitting.

Mouche and bourdon bridges for VG's

The wood for keybox tops for VG37, 38, and 40

VG39: the binding is complete. Here it's shown halfway done before being trimmed down to the body.

Justin is making tirant pegs for this set of VG's from mountain mahogany.


The Reichmann: the wheel has been scraped and the angle reset, and final setup is finished, so it's ready for shipment with its case and other supplies.


The Colson: the wheel band and the wheel

The Colson: earlier, cutting the threads inside the wheel sandwich


The Colson: repairing some of the damage to tail - this job was made more difficult by the large number of nails used in an earlier repair

See last week for more pictures.

Beati illi qui in circulum circumeunt, fient enim magnae rotae.

Please contact us if you have comments or questions about this page or other pages on this site.

Alden and Cali Hackmann
Olympic Musical Instruments

Beati illi qui in circulum circumeunt, fient enim magnae rotae.

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